Product Review: Face It

Written By: Jamie Mark

                    There are things a woman must do to build up her self esteem.It is true that a woman can spend at least Php 45,000 a year for makeup and it’s all for a good cause. Most women use makeup to boost their confidence because it makes them feel better about themselves.

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 These are the products that I have used a good number of times which have brought me to see the benefits and downsides in each product (left to right).

  • Bioré Aqua Rich Sunblock 4.0                                                                                                               – This sunscreen performs pretty well in tropical countries. It doesn’t make your skin oily or greasy like other sunscreens, it is also good for daily use. Exposure to sunlight may cause your skin to wrinkle out, so I suggest that you put on a sunscreen while it’s not too late.
  • Tea Tree Oil (The Body Shop) 3.0                                                                                                         – A must have for people prone to acne! It is made of all natural ingredients, and it also works on insect bites and itches.
  • Clinique Moisturizing Gel 4.0                                                                                                                 – This is a great moisturizing product, but it’s pretty expensive. It is suitable for oily skin and works in improving your skin’s texture.
  • Clear Start Daytime Treatment 5.0                                                                                                      – Works really good for bad acne. While it moisturizes your skin, it also clears breakouts and protects it from having acnes. You could see the result in just 3 days.
  • Nars Multiaction Hydrating Toner 2.5                                                                                                     – This toner doesn’t seem to do much on my skin and leaves it dry after awhile as if I didn’t put anything.
  • Tea Tree Facial Mask 3.5                                                                                                                        -Good to use at least once a week, helps in the redness of your acne and a good medication to help the inflammation of your impurities.

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