Who Is Your Presidential Candidate?

Written By: Kiara Lo

In 2 months, legal Filipino citizens will have a chance to exercise their power in our democratic government during the 2016 Philippine National Elections. This privilege is only given once every six years. It is a right to vote because people are allowed to have their own say on who gets to rule them. Among the five running presidential candidates, who is yours?

1. Jejomar Binay
Vice President Jejomar Binay has been the mayor of Makati for many years, and is currently our Vice President in the Philippines. He was able to implement a beneficial program for the people of Makati regarding education, the senior citizens, and for many other individuals. Despite the accusations against his corruption and political dynasty, he was able to keep Makati City organized and he maintained its status of being the business district of the Philippines.

2. Rodrigo Duterte
Behind his terror face and strong attitude, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has managed to keep peace in the small city of Davao. His means of omitting peace and development for the Philippines may seem unethical to many Filipinos, but all his intentions are true and clear. Behind his rash language, he wants to eliminate crime and poverty in our country. 

3. Grace Poe
Many people see Senator Grace Poe as the heart of this year's presidential elections. She appears to be very genuine of her thoughts and actions. Even if her candidacy might seem as a shock to others, and even if others claim that she has a lack of experience, she has graduated from top schools. Nothing and no one can stop her from serving our country.

4. Mar Roxas
Having been in politics for several years, Mar Roxas has experienced the many trials a politician faces in his period of service. He has been through different kinds of positions in the government, which makes him qualified for the position. He graduated in top schools and has obtained high educational attainments. Although, people see him as an elite and an unapproachable candidate who is not close with the masses. Even with that being said, Mar Roxas is a trusted politician especially with regards to financial activities. 

5. Miriam Defensor Santiago
Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago has been a known senator for many years. Her intelligent mind allows her to recall almost every inch of the Philippine Law. She knows the rules that must be abided as well as those that need not be crossed. She has a firm stand on what she believes in and she will think of any way possible to make our country a better place. The question is, will her health affect her candidacy? And what if she's only good in implementing laws, but not in ruling a country?

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